Past Teaching
Liz Tatum and I taught Algebraic Topology II (Bonn Universität, So 2024). You can find the lectures notes here and exercises below:
Topologie 2 / Topology 2 (Bonn Universität, So 2023) (See ecampus and basis for more information). Here is a list of exercise sheets and I'll happily share my notes or schedule if you ask.
Complex Analysis (UCU, Summer 2019) - I taught a complex analysis class in Utrecht in June of 2019. The book we are following is ``Visual Complex Analysis'' by Tristan Needham, where most of the exercises and lecture material can also be found. We'll focus on Chapters 1,2, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9. Please check the blackboard site for the schedule and exercises.
Assistant (Assistent)
Lineare Algebra II (Bonn Universität, So 2024). Dieses Semester war ich der Assistent für Lineare Algebra II, unterrichtet von Stefan Schwede. Bitte seh die eCampus Seiten, die Seiten von Basis (Vorlesung und Übungsgruppe), und die Webseite von Stefan für weiter Informationen.
Lineare Algebra I (Bonn Universität, WiSe 2023/24) - Dieses Semester war ich der Assistent für Lineare Algebra, unterrichtet von Stefan Schwede. Bitte seh die ecampus Seiten, beide basis Seiten (Vorlesung und Übungsgruppe), und Stefans Homepage für weiter Informationen.
Topologie 1 / Topology 1 (Bonn Universität, WiSe 2022/23) (See ecampus and basis for more information)
Teaching Assistant
Algebraic topology Algebraic Topology I (Mastermath, Semester I, 2021/22) - I was the teaching assistant for this course at this time. See the ELO page for more details.
Algebraic topology II (Mastermath, Semester 2, 2020/21) - I was the teaching assistant for this course at this time. See Gijs' or Steffen's website or the ELO page for more details.
Inleiding topologie (Utrecht University, Block 2, 2020/21) - I was the teaching assistant for this course at this time. See Lennart's website or the blackboard page for more details.
Groepen, modulen en voorstellingen (Utrecht University, Block 1, 2020/21) - I was the teaching assistant for this course at this time. See Valentijn's website or the blackboard page for more details.
Ringen en Galoistheorie (Utrecht University, Block 3, 2019/20) - I was the teaching assistant for this course at this time. See Carol's website or the blackboard page for more details.
Inleiding topologie (Utrecht University, Block 2, 2019/20) - I was the teaching assistant for this course at this time. See Damaris' website or the blackboard page for more details.
Algebraic Topology I (Mastermath, Semester I, 2019/20) - I was the teaching assistant for this course at this time. See Lennart's website (under teaching) or the ELO page for more details.