Jack Davies

I am a postdoc with Stefan Schwede at the Universität Bonn and ombudsperson for the department of mathematics. Previously, I was a student of Lennart Meier at Universiteit Utrecht. My research interests include homotopy theory, algebraic topology, and algebraic geometry.  More specifically, stable homotopy theory, (equivariant) elliptic cohomology, and topological modular forms (TMF).

I also love hiking, biking, and knitting.

In the past, I also studied at the Australian National University and the Universität Bonn, and I used to help organise the European Talbot Workshop between 2017-2020.



Email: jack.d [at] live.com.au or davies [at] math.uni-bonn.de

Address: Zimmer 4.009, Mathematisches Institut, Bonn

A big thank you to Avital Berry for the picture opposite.